Wednesday, February 22, 2012

One of the best things you can do as soon as you find out that you are pregnant, is to write out a list of your goals for this pregnancy.  Examples could be; I will go full term, my babies will be healthy, My babies will be head down at time of delivery, I will not need to go on bed rest, Babies will be at least 5lbs each, etc.  I did this very early in my pregnancy and forgot about that little piece of scrap paper I jotted my goals onto and I didn't see it again until after the babies were born and to my amazement every one of my goals came to be.  :)  

This is a link for a e-book with Practical Help And Advice From A Mother Of Twins, For Parents Expecting Or Bringing Up Twins.  The cost of this book is only $19.97 and you can read it right now.  It also has a printable version and you can choose which pages you want to print.

Interesting Facts About Twins

  • 22% of twins are left handed, where only 10% of the general population is left handed.
  • It is possible for twins to have different fathers.
  • Identical twins have different finger prints.
  • Twins most often develop their own language, this phenomena is called idioglossia. 
  • Twins do not have to be born on the same date.  (My twins actually have different Birthdays, they were born about 20 minutes apart around midnight.)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

 My Twins

Some companies have special offers for parents of Multiples

Now that you have, or are getting ready to have twins, you are going to start spending a lot more money.  Now is a great time to sign up at lots of websites for all the things that babies use, such as diapers, formula, baby food, etc.  Get on their mailing lists to receive coupons in the mail.  Some company will even give you some nice extra coupons if you tell them you are expecting multiples.  They will probably ask for proof (like copies of their crib cards).  It will be so worth it.  Some of the formula companies will even send you free cans of formula and checks towards the purchase of their formula.
Another method of saving money is buying generic or store brands.  If you choose to formula feed definitely check out all the different stores in your areas as they usually all carry a different generic brand.  And by law they All have to meet the same quality of standards so don't think you are cheating your babies.

Diapers are another Very Big expense.  You will have to try many different brands to find the one that works for you.  My favorite brand of diapers is Walgreen's Brand Diapers.  They are the best priced in my area and I even think they work better then Huggies or Pampers.  But if I have coupons for a name brand and can get them cheaper I will.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

I also started a facebook page Moms & Dads with Twins & More.  At this time Feb. 12, 2012 I am nearing 200 likes.  There, you can ask other parents of twins questions too and make new friends that have twins like us.  Feel free to post any questions you may have about being pregnant with twins or caring for twins or anything other parents might be interested in.

Finding books about being pregnant with twins and raising twins was difficult.  This e-book will be helpful to you.  Click on the following link to take you to The Twins Survival Guide.  You may have to copy & past it into your browser.  There are also a couple more that I need to find.  Right now my 5 year old son is sick and my 3 year old daughter is hungry and it's 12:50am in the morning.

Pictures, pictures, pictures!  Make sure to document your growing belly with weekly photos and mark them with how many weeks you are.  It is amazing how much your stomach will expand.  Some people actually make a cast/molding of their pregnant belly.  I did not do this.  I wouldn't know where to get it done and I don't know where I would put something like that.

Totally off the topic, but today (technically yesterday since its after midnight)  Was a sad day in the music world; Singer Whitney Houston died Feb. 11, 2012. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Welcome to my blog.  I am new to blogging, but a very experienced Mom with five children.  At this time February 2012 my kids ages are 11, 5, 3, 1, 1.   
 I will never forget the day I went in for my ultrasound. I had my husband and our three kids in the room with me.  And the ultrasound technician said "Do twins run in you family?"  My husband is like, you're kidding and started laughing.  He has always joked about me being pregnant with twins and I always told him "I don't want twins"  I wanted to cry and it was hard for me not to.   
Babies just woke up.